Luggage Compartment Cover Bracket

About this product

The Luggage Compartment Cover Bracket (#64751-WAA01), a crucial body part under the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system, plays a pivotal role in securing the luggage compartment cover of a Toyota vehicle. This bracket acts as a pivotal joint that allows the luggage compartment cover to swing up and down, providing easy access to the luggage area while also ensuring it remains securely shut when not in use. Wear and tear can lead to the bracket becoming loose or damaged, impacting the functionality of the luggage compartment cover. Genuine Toyota parts - such as this bracket - help secure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If left unreplaced, a broken bracket could result in the cover not staying in place, posing a risk of loose items in the trunk creating a hazard during driving. Thus, the Luggage Compartment Cover Bracket (#64751-WAA01) contributes significantly to the safety and efficient operation of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64751-WAA01

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